Recreation center in Karelia

Consult availability

  • Restaurant

    On the first floor the cafe operates. There is a banquet room.

  • Integrated power tourist groups

    We serve groups of tourists complex breakfasts, lunches and dinners

    Food prices for groups.

    BREAKFAST from 350 rubles
    LUNCH from 550 rubles
    DINNER from 470 rubles

  • Internet

    Throughout the hotel catches free wifi

  • Garden

    Gazebo with barbecue on the street, under a roof, each guest

  • Bath

    On the territory of the base operating room, with all necessary accessories.

About us

We offer for your choice of rooms of different levels of comfort with original decoration and homey feel. Here, you will fall asleep and wake up surrounded by trees, the sound of Lyaskelskogo falling from the threshold of the water and the birds singing, tasty and varied eating, word will get maximum comfort;

Well, to enjoy the rest was complete, you can visit the sauna, or go into the woods for berries but mushrooms, arrange fishing on vacation in Karelia, ride a bike, play volleyball or badminton, or maybe a swim in the river or walking in the park with the children. Everyone will find something for everyone! If you a holidays in Karelia cheap and fun - it's to us.

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Attractions near the hotel


The threshold in the village Charlo

Для любителей советской индустриальной культуры, пожалуй, нет места привлекательней, чем гидроэелектростанция в поселке Харлу. Окружающий пейзаж этих мест напоминает мир Зоны, описанный в произведении братьев Стругацких «Пикник на обочине».

Это место интересно для людей двух категори: для экстремалов-каякеров, желающих посмотреть суицидальный порог-плотину и для любителей игры в пэйнтбол, жаждущих устроить баталии на территории заброшенного завода.

Marble canyon

In 1765,have beendiscovered deposits of marblein the area of the Ruskeala. This white-gray stonewith hues ranging fromlight gray togreenishfound in theovergrown withpine foresthillnot farfrom the picturesqueRuskeala waterfalls. You soon beginindustrial production ofmarble.GreyRuskealamarblewas widely used in the construction ofSt. Isaac's and Kazan cathedrals, Marble, TaurideandWinterpalaces in St. Petersburg.

Ladoga skerries

Ladoga skerries —skerriesoff the North-Western and Northern coastsLadozhskogo. The archipelago areastretches from the Kilpola island, near the settlementof Beryozovoin the West, to the town of pitkärantain the East.

The island Pellotsaari

Island incoastalNorth-Eastern partof the Ladoga lake with an area of486hectares,belongs tothe Ladoga skerries. Located on the territoryof the Sortavala district of Karelia Republicof Russia.The size of the island3 kmto4 km.

On a rocky islandpreserved asparts of nature,almostuntouched by manandlandscapesheavily modifiedby human economic activities.Since 2010the island isshaped like aheart, gained fame throughexhibitionarranged bythe ecological trailandas a place oftourist Parkingfor cruise ship passengerson the lineSt. PetersburgValaam— Moscow.

Waterfall White bridges

Yankoski (fin. Jukankoski) or White bridges, a waterfall on the river Calismalari in Pitkarantsky district of the Republic of Karelia. The height of the waterfall ranges from 17 to 19 meters. It is the highest waterfall in South Karelia. The waterfall is located on the territory of Pitkyarantsky city settlement in 30 km from the city of Pitkyaranta and 10 km from the village of Leppasilta.

In published in 1927 in Helsinki, geological Atlas of Finland provides the following information about the waterfall Yankoski: height 17 meters.[1]

In 1999, the government of the Republic of Karelia adjacent to the waterfall site was created hydrological monument of nature of regional significance "White bridges" area of 87.9 hectares[2]. This was done in order to preserve the natural condition of the waterfall and adjacent to it a valuable natural complexes.

Waterfall Reklamasi

Waterfall flowing from the lake Antonino (Steenhard, fin. Satisenjärvi) Creek (200 metres from the source).
The stream rolls down an inclined rock slab with ridge Walkermary (Valkeanmäki) with a height of about 10 meters.
The stream-flow which formed the waterfall has no name.
The stream which flows into a waterfall - called Volcanoe (Valkeanoja). In some sources mention the wrong name of Himalayana (Hämäläisenoja), which flows into Valcanoe later.
The official name of the waterfall is not. (not confirmed cartographically).
Options with regard to the education of the Finnish geographical names.
Steenkiste (Satisenkoski) - based on the name of the lake-source;
Valkeakoski (Valkeankoski) - based on the name of a rocky ridge, which crosses a stream and the name of the final stream.
Reklamasi (Roskelakoski)- based on the name of the farm, located near

Rock "Impilahti"

Impilahti (Karel. Imbilahti, fin.Impilahti, Swede. Impilax; outdated.Rus. Imbalanceor Inilex) is a villageinPitkarantskydistrict of the Republicof Karelia, administrative center ofImprotingrural settlement. (demolishedrailway station33km of a stageof Leppasilta— Valimaki).

Waterfall top Cairina
This small but spectacular waterfall is located on the river Cairina 8 km North of pitkäranta almost next to the road. From the falls to the confluence of the river into Ladoga lake is less than a kilometre away, nevertheless in this place nothing recalls the proximity of the "big" water: mixed forest, rocks and a small waterfall spilling below, and then the river disappears behind the trees. The waterfall is quite "stretched" horizontally - it consists of many small rapids, and only at the end water drops from five-foot steps. High water in the raging stream smooths out all the ledges, and it becomes even possible to pass the falls in a kayak.

From the highway to the waterfall is a primer, on which you can drive on a normal car almost to the water. The primer ends in a clearing at the top of the waterfall. Further, the steep winding path you can go down to the boiler, to admire the falls from below.

Falls Lower Cairina

Cairina translated from Karelian as "the ditch dog". This is the name of a river which has two waterfalls and the eponymous village. Lower Kirinoya is beyond the border of the village. Here the river enters a narrow rocky chute at the end of which is cut off the 4 foot waterfall.

Cairina especially beautiful at sunset. The combination of the bounding cliffs, made of crimson granite, white foam, tall trees and clear high in the Northern sky create a very lyrical picture.

Athletes-kayakers often come here to jump on their boats from the falls. Due to the fact that the water is impounded in a narrow channel, by the end of the chute, it shoots forward like a fire hose. The kayakers really like it.

The waterfall is located in the road from pitkäranta - Sortavala and prakicheski close to it can be reached by car, but some prefer to walk to Mirinoi 100 meters - scenic dirt road along which stood a mighty slim pines. Right near the waterfall there is a small dead end, where you can leave your car or to eat.

Mountain Hiidenvuori

Hiidenvuori(in translation fromFinnishmountaindevil,devil's mountain) is amountain located innear the village of Hidenselkathe pitkäranta district, nearthe confluence of theLadogariver Janisjoki. Height —117m. theBald top of the mountaincan be seenat the entrance to the village. On the mountainarea lot of trails, soto climb itis not difficult. At the top, whetherdue to fire,or even why,except for the dead woodof treesis almost there, soit offers a magnificent viewover the village andlake Ladoga.

Zoo "the Black stones"

Holiday village (campsite) "Blackrocks"locatedin Karelia, providesthe best conditions forelite rest. We are happy to organiseforour guestsguided toursat the Marble canyonRuskeala, registered in the state register of objectsof national heritageof Russia, takein the ancient city of Sortavalastoring more than90monuments of architecture,will show youthe best fishing spotsandcan helparrange a fishing trip, which youcouldn't even dream of!And alsoyou can huntfor wild boarordeer, thanyouwill be happy to help you, our experiencedRangers.

Ruskeala waterfalls

Ruskealawaterfalls —fourplain waterfallinSortavalaregion of Karelianear the villageof Ruskealaon the riverTohmajoki rivers.The height of the waterfallsranges from3-4meters.

Ruskealawaterfalls, the upper falls
The waterfallsis known totourists and thrill-seekersemerging fromtheirkayak.

These fallsbecame knownto the Soviet film "the dawnshere are quiet" (1972).

Alsowas filmed here, "the Dark world"[1]. For shootingdirectly intothe waterfall was builta replicalog hutsthatremainedafter the shooting.

Paasovaara - mountain with a height of 79 m, is situated between the Town and village of the Peninsula. On its territory in the XII-XIII centuries was a fortified settlement of the ancient Karelians, Paso. Mountain, due to the steep rocky cliffs, was a great place defensive plan. Buildings of the settlement were built taking into account the protective characteristics of the terrain, as well as constructed the outer defensive line in the form of stone walls and trees. The excavations conducted on the territory of the settlement, were found many objects of farming, hunting, fishing, and also weapons and items of jewellery.
 The Republic of Karelia, Pitkäranta district, p. Lyaskelya Str. Sovetskaya, 6